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2 Resultados de traducción para shelter en español

noun | verb

shelter noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
refugio (de mascotas, etc.); abrigo, protección (contra el clima)
word of the day image
A dog in an animal shelter

Ejemplos de uso de
shelter noun

  • We made a shelter from branches.
  • The city has a shelter for battered women.
  • The organization provides food and shelter for homeless people.
  • The crowd ran for shelter when the rain started.
  • They sought shelter from the storm.

Sinónimos detallados para shelter noun

Shelter, retreat, refuge, haven, asylum, sanctuary, hideaway, hideout significan el estado o un lugar en el que uno está seguro o a salvo de lo que amenaza o inquieta.
  • Shelter indica la protección temporal de una barrera o un techo contra algo que podría causar daño o molestia <sought shelter from the storm in a cave>.
  • Retreat recalca un retiro, normalmente voluntario, del peligro o la molestia, y un escape hacia un lugar seguro o pacífico <led his army in a retreat>.
  • Refuge, haven indican el intentar huir de cualquier cosa que amenaza o acosa <sought refuge in the barn> <his home no longer felt like a haven to him>.
  • Asylum añade a refuge la indicación de encontrar la seguridad, y el estar a salvo de ser capturado <was granted political asylum>.
  • Sanctuary recalca la inviolabilidad de un refugio y la reverencia que se le debe <a wildlife sanctuary>.
  • Hideaway, hideout significan un lugar de refugio o de ocultación <a rural cottage that they called their hideaway> <the apartment had served as a hideout for terrorists>.

shelter verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sheltered, has sheltered, is sheltering, shelters
proteger, abrigar; dar refugio a, albergar

Ejemplos de uso de
shelter verb

  • A cave sheltered the climbers during the storm.
  • They sheltered in a cave while they waited for the storm to pass.

Sinónimos de
shelter verb

Sinónimos detallados para shelter verb

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Traducción inversa para shelter

refugio  (de mascotas, etc.) - refuge, shelter 
abrigo  - coat, overcoat, shelter, refuge 
protección  (contra el clima) - protection 
proteger  - to protect, to defend 
abrigar  - to shelter, to protect, to keep warm, to dress warmly, to cherish, to harbor 
albergar  - to house, to lodge, to shelter